Standards Of Conduct

Network Access

You will be scanned via an automated process to check for various disallowed and insecure services. The only way to opt-out of these scans is to not join the network.

We participate in several blackhole lists with other IRC networks. If you have caused problems on other networks, there's a good chance our bots won't even let you on the network. We do not have the ability to remove you from these lists.

Usage of this network is a privilege, not a right. Your access can be revoked at any time for any reason. The reason doesn't have to make sense to you and it doesn't have to be fair. General policies, however, are listed below.

Security And Liability attempts to run a safe and secure network. However, the security bots cannot catch everyone with ill intent and we cannot guarantee the security of a user's IRC client. We will respond with haste to any reported security related incident. That said, is not responsible or liable for the security or lack thereof surrounding your time on the network.

Snowden Disclosures: Due to the IRC server software we use, all channel traffic is propagated to all server nodes. The links between servers are encrypted, however, using cryptlink. You can prevent traffic from propagating by using a server-local channel. These are created using '&' instead of '#'. All users will need to connect to the same server IP.

We have never received any requests for user information and would probably wet ourselves laughing if we did.

Bot Policy tolerates all bot software with 2 major exceptions. The bots cannot: 1) disrupt the network. 2) disrupt channel activity. It is up to the discretion of the staff and channel ops to determine what constitutes "disruption". If you are asked to remove your bot from the network, it is expected you will act promptly with minimal fuss. Failure to do so may cause a revocation of your access to the network.


Tor is, sadly, not allowed on We support, conceptually, the pseudo-anonymity that Tor provides. The network, however, has come under attack via Tor often enough that exit nodes are blocked on site via network-wide klines.

Personal Conduct

Network Policies

We will engage local authorities as necessary to deal with illegal content and activities. Yes, we have done this before.

Channel Logging

Channels on are expected to be lively discussion/debate channels where people can, if appropriate to the topic, rant about the problems they're dealing with.

Public logs can have a chilling effect on this purpose, because the knowledge of public visibility of your words to people outside of your community, and the potential for people to read such words without context, is likely to significantly restrict the free and frank exchange of views that characterises a healthy and effective open source project.

Additionally, public logs are often misused as a source of "just do this" solutions in a way that the medium of IRC is simply not designed to provide, and can easily lead users into antipatterns due to lack of context leading to a misunderstanding as to the applicability of the advice to other problems.

As such, while some channels choose to provide public logs, many do not, and public logging without (a) permission of the channel owners (b) a clear notification to users, usually via /topic, that logging will be taking place, is (as on Libera.Chat) considered to be a violation of network policy.

Community Policies

Reasonable person principle applies.

Additionally, please take note of the following:

Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning conduct are among the types of unreasonable behaviors deemed to be unacceptable.

Harassing behavior includes, but is not limited to: offensive comments related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability; inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images; deliberate intimidation, stalking or following; sustained disruption of channel activity; unwelcome sexual attention; ignore and/or ban evasion.

Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.

If an individual engages in unacceptable behavior, the opers may take any action they deem appropriate within the bounds of the governance policies. Initial violations or violations believed be unintentional, if not repeated, will likely only result in warnings. Repeated violations or intentional harassment will be met with increasingly severe responses.

Channels Specific Policies

Where they do not collide with network policy, individual channels can set their own standard of conduct. These policies must be made visible in such a way that new users are made immediately aware of them when they join the channel. We suggest using the channel topic.

Reporting Issues

If you are subject to unacceptable behavior, notice that someone else is being subject to unacceptable behavior, or have any other concerns, please notify the Standards of Conduct Review Board (SRB) via #magnet-srb. Consult the governance policies as to the proper process.

A full staff listing is available on the staff page.

Revision Control

Please note that this document is under revision control. Previous versions and associated changes may be viewed at that link.